Renault Clio SW

Number of passengers


Gearbox type


Baggage size


Door number

renault clio sw rent a car

*prices are expressed without VAT 20%

Renting a Renault Clio SW is an excellent choice for those seeking a versatile and practical vehicle for their travels. The Renault Clio SW, also known as the Clio Estate, offers ample space for passengers and cargo while maintaining a sleek and stylish design. With its efficient engine options and nimble handling, the Clio SW is perfect for both city driving and longer journeys. Additionally, the Clio SW features modern technology and safety features, ensuring a comfortable and secure driving experience for both driver and passengers. Whether you’re running errands around town or embarking on a road trip, the Renault Clio SW provides the versatility and reliability you need for your rental car needs.

Number of daysPrice per day
0 – 1 €55,00 €
2 – 3€45,00 €
4 – 6€40,00 €
7 – 10€40,00 €
11 – 15€30,00 €
16 – 30€28,00 €
Rent a car