Traveling to Serbia? Make it extraordinary with Big Tours!
We are Seasoned Professionals Who Craft Unforgettable Adventures For Your Pleasure

The most popular tours in Belgrade
The most popular daily tours in Serbia
Discover Northern Serbia's treasures, from the serene Fruška Gora monasteries to Sremski Karlovci's wine making legacy. Relish the unique Bermet wine amidst vineyard-laced landscapes. Behold Petrovaradin Fortress's majestic views over culturally rich Novi Sad. Stroll through Novi Sad's lively streets, a mosaic of diverse heritage...
Explore the breathtaking Djerdap Gorge, the largest gorge in Europe, stretching over 70 km along the mighty Danube River, where the river reaches its highest and narrowest points. Discover the ancient site of Lepenski Vir, home to Europe's first permanent settlement and remarkable monolithic statues...
Visit Serbia
Impressions from the tours
Damjan Candles9 Октобар 2023
Sve preporuke za vodiča, odlična tura i zanimljivo predavanje! Prilagođeno zahtevima grupe, tura realizovana u septembru 2023.godine.![]()
Branislava Prazic2 Октобар 2023
U ime Avital doo, želim da se zahvalim vodiču Aleksandru na odličnoj saradnji u organizaciji izleta u klisuru reke Gradac, u sklopu našeg team building-a. Od samog našeg upita za ovaj izlet, preko predloga i na kraju realizacije, sve je bilo na vrlo profesionalnom nivou. Aleksandar nam je predložio najzanimljivija mesta koje bi trebalo posetiti u tom predelu, napravio satnicu a sve je bilo fleksibilno što se tiče tempa, naših interesovanja, mogućnosti.. Odgovorio je na sva pitanja, preporučio i restoran u okolinini i povezao nas sa domaćinima. Radujemo se narednoj saradnji! Sve pohvale i preporuke za agenciju Big Tours i pozdrav od tima Avital doo!![]()
Lazar Ristic21 Cептембар 2023
Pozitivno iskustvo koje bih preporučio svakome. Vrlo pametan vodič koji će Vas provesti kroz najlepše delove Beograda uz vrlo zanimljive priče. Svaka preporuka!![]()
Ivana Mihalina21 Cептембар 2023
Svaka preporuka za vodiča Aleksandra! Jako zanimljivo i opsežno vođenje kroz najljepše dijelove Beograda, priče su vrlo zanimljive i poučne, primjećuje se poznavanje svake građevine, također otvoren je za sva pitanja i vrlo se lako može surađivati. Vrlo pozitivno iskustvo koje bih preporučila svakome. 😁![]()
Anique Zwaan20 Cептембар 2023
Aleksander is a terrific, knowledgeable and personable tour guide. He provides in-depth, yet easy to understand information on the history, architecture and politics of Belgrade and Serbia. Would highly recommend!![]()
Владимир Стојић14 Август 2023
Поуздана одлична агенција![]()
Dirk Bullens23 Mај 2023
Spent 2 days on the road with Alex. I was alone so indicated to him where my interest lay. He immediately switched gears and adjusted his itinerary to my preferences. Day 1 was a tour of the city. His knowledge of the city and its history immediately made me a lot wiser. In the evening, the tour I did on day 1 allowed me to find my own way right away. (Now as I type this) I am also sitting close to the hotel having a drink. Day 2 Alex took me to a completely different part of Serbia. This day too was fantastic. Saw a lot, learned a lot but most of all ate a lot. I had found myself a wine tasting and I wanted to go there. Alex brought me, enjoyed me and most of all let me enjoy myself. What a man and what a service! Do do do do Прекарахме 2 дни с Алекс. Бях сам, така че му посочих къде са моите интереси. Той веднага превключи на друга скорост и съобрази маршрута си с моите предпочитания. Ден 1 беше обиколка на града. Познанията му за града и неговата история веднага ме направиха много по-мъдра. Вечерта, благодарение на обиколката, която направи през първия ден, успях веднага да се ориентирам сама. (Сега, докато пиша това) също седя близо до хотела и пия нещо. През втория ден Алекс ме заведе в съвсем различна част на Сърбия. Този ден също беше фантастичен. Видях много, научих много, но най-вече ядох добре. Самата аз бях намерила дегустация на вино и исках да отида там. Алекс ме заведе, наслади ми се и най-вече ме остави да се наслаждавам на себе си. Какъв човек и каква услуга! Да, да, да, да.![]()
Marten Korver13 Mај 2023
Alex is a great guide. His English is very good, he has a lot of knowledge about the city and its history, you can ask him all kinds of questions, he even made reservations for us at a club and he is a great guy. Highly recommended!![]()
Aurélien2 Mај 2023
Aleksander a pris beaucoup de temps pour répondre à notre recherche bien que cela ne correspondait pas exactement à son offre. Il nous a même longuement expliqué l'histoire de Belgrade. Un guide à encourager !![]()
Chang D30 Март 2023
The best service you can find in Belgrade! I Will definitely rent a bike there again!